#!/usr/local/bin/python # Copyright 2011 Isilon Systems LLC. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of # conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials # provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ISILON SYSTEMS LLC. ''AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT # OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the # authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed # or implied, of . # ---- # 2014: P. Kern < pkern (at) eis.utoronto.ca > # + inetd server mode (with SSL). # + logging serial output to file. # ---- """ vSPC.py - A Virtual Serial Port Concentrator for VMware Run 'vSPC.py -h' for full help. This server is based on publicly available documentation: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vc-sdk/visdk41pubs/vsp41_usingproxy_virtual_serial_ports.pdf See also http://code.activestate.com/recipes/114642/ """ from __future__ import with_statement __author__ = "Zachary M. Loafman" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2011 Isilon Systems LLC." __revision__ = "$Header: /local/lib/vulture/RCS/in-vSPC.py,v 1.47 2015/01/26 18:03:27 pkern Exp $" BASENAME='vSPC.py' WORKHOME = None SVCIDENT = None CONFIG = None LISTEN_HOST = "" inetd_mode = False inetd_mode_ssl = False SSLCERTFILE = None SSLPRIVKEY = None import logging import os import pickle import select import socket import struct import sys import threading import time import traceback import Queue from telnetlib import * from telnetlib import IAC,DO,DONT,WILL,WONT,BINARY,ECHO,SGA,SB,SE,NOOPT,theNULL from urlparse import urlparse import trace import cgi import base64 import signal import ssl # Default for --proxy-port, the port to send VMs to. PROXY_PORT = 13370 # Default for --admin-port, the port to hit vSPC-query with ADMIN_PORT = 13371 # Default for --port-range-start, start of port range to assign VMs. # Ports may be reallocated within the range, based on active connections # and --expire. VM_PORT_START = 50000 # Default for --expire, number of seconds a VM (based on uuid) holds a # port number / listener open with no VMware or client connections VM_EXPIRE_TIME = 24*3600 # # Query protocol Q_VERS = 1 Q_NAME = 'name' Q_UUID = 'uuid' Q_PORT = 'port' # Persistence fields P_UUID = 'uuid' P_NAME = 'name' P_PORT = 'port' # How long to wait for an option response. Any option response resets # the counter. This is mainly to deal with "raw" connections (like # gdb) that don't negotiate telnet options at all. UNACK_TIMEOUT=0.5 LISTEN_BACKLOG = 5 VMWARE_EXT = chr(232) # VMWARE-TELNET-EXT KNOWN_SUBOPTIONS_1 = chr(0) # + suboptions KNOWN_SUBOPTIONS_2 = chr(1) # + suboptions UNKNOWN_SUBOPTION_RCVD_1 = chr(2) # + code UNKNOWN_SUBOPTION_RCVD_2 = chr(3) # + code VMOTION_BEGIN = chr(40) # + sequence VMOTION_GOAHEAD = chr(41) # + sequence + secret VMOTION_NOTNOW = chr(43) # + sequence + secret VMOTION_PEER = chr(44) # + sequence + secret VMOTION_PEER_OK = chr(45) # + sequence + secret VMOTION_COMPLETE = chr(46) # + sequence VMOTION_ABORT = chr(48) # (?) DO_PROXY = chr(70) # + [CS] + URI WILL_PROXY = chr(71) # WONT_PROXY = chr(73) # VM_VC_UUID = chr(80) # + uuid GET_VM_VC_UUID = chr(81) # VM_NAME = chr(82) # + name GET_VM_NAME = chr(83) # VM_BIOS_UUID = chr(84) # + bios uuid GET_VM_BIOS_UUID = chr(85) # VM_LOCATION_UUID = chr(86) # + location uuid GET_VM_LOCATION_UUID = chr(87) # EXT_SUPPORTED = { KNOWN_SUBOPTIONS_1 : 'known_options', # VM->Proxy KNOWN_SUBOPTIONS_2 : 'known_options_resp', # Proxy->VM UNKNOWN_SUBOPTION_RCVD_1 : 'unknown_option', # VM->Proxy UNKNOWN_SUBOPTION_RCVD_2 : 'unknown_option_resp', # Proxy->VM VMOTION_BEGIN : 'vmotion_begin', # VM->Proxy VMOTION_GOAHEAD : 'vmotion_goahead', # Proxy->VM VMOTION_NOTNOW : 'vmotion_notnow', # Proxy->VM VMOTION_PEER : 'vmotion_peer', # VM (Peer)>Proxy VMOTION_PEER_OK : 'vmotion_peer_ok', # Proxy->VM (Peer) VMOTION_COMPLETE : 'vmotion_complete', # VM (Peer)->Proxy VMOTION_ABORT : 'vmotion_abort', # VM (original)->Proxy DO_PROXY : 'do_proxy', # VM->Proxy WILL_PROXY : 'do_proxy_will', # Proxy->VM WONT_PROXY : 'do_proxy_wont', # Proxy->VM VM_VC_UUID : 'vc_uuid', # VM->Proxy GET_VM_VC_UUID : 'get_vc_uuid', # Proxy->VM VM_NAME : 'vm_name', # VM->Proxy GET_VM_NAME : 'get_vm_name', # Proxy->VM } NOT_VMWARE = '''\ \r You are trying to connect to the vSPC.py proxy port with a normal\r telnet client. This port is intended for VMware connections only.\r \r ''' def hexdump(data): return reduce(lambda x,y: x + ('%x' % ord(y)), data, '') class FixedTelnet(Telnet): ''' FixedTelnet is a bug-fix override of the base Telnet class. In particular, base Telnet does not properly handle NULL characters, and in general is a little sloppy for BINARY mode. LICENSING: The code for this class was based on the base Telnet class definition from Python 2.6, and as such is covered by that GPLv2 compatible license: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6/license/ ''' def process_rawq(self): """Transfer from raw queue to cooked queue. Set self.eof when connection is closed. Don't block unless in the midst of an IAC sequence. XXX - Sigh, this is a cut and paste from telnetlib to fix a bug in the processing of NULL suring an SB..SE sequence. -ZML """ buf = ['', ''] try: while self.rawq: c = self.rawq_getchar() if not self.iacseq: if self.sb == 0 and c == theNULL: continue if self.sb == 0 and c == "\021": continue if c != IAC: buf[self.sb] = buf[self.sb] + c continue else: self.iacseq += c elif len(self.iacseq) == 1: # 'IAC: IAC CMD [OPTION only for WILL/WONT/DO/DONT]' if c in (DO, DONT, WILL, WONT): self.iacseq += c continue self.iacseq = '' if c == IAC: buf[self.sb] = buf[self.sb] + c else: if c == SB: # SB ... SE start. self.sb = 1 self.sbdataq = '' elif c == SE: self.sb = 0 self.sbdataq = self.sbdataq + buf[1] buf[1] = '' if self.option_callback: # Callback is supposed to look into # the sbdataq self.option_callback(self.sock, c, NOOPT) else: # We can't offer automatic processing of # suboptions. Alas, we should not get any # unless we did a WILL/DO before. self.msg('IAC %d not recognized' % ord(c)) elif len(self.iacseq) == 2: cmd = self.iacseq[1] self.iacseq = '' opt = c if cmd in (DO, DONT): self.msg('IAC %s %d', cmd == DO and 'DO' or 'DONT', ord(opt)) if self.option_callback: self.option_callback(self.sock, cmd, opt) else: self.sock.sendall(IAC + WONT + opt) elif cmd in (WILL, WONT): self.msg('IAC %s %d', cmd == WILL and 'WILL' or 'WONT', ord(opt)) if self.option_callback: self.option_callback(self.sock, cmd, opt) else: self.sock.sendall(IAC + DONT + opt) except EOFError: # raised by self.rawq_getchar() self.iacseq = '' # Reset on EOF self.sb = 0 pass self.cookedq = self.cookedq + buf[0] self.sbdataq = self.sbdataq + buf[1] class TelnetServer(FixedTelnet): def __init__(self, sock, server_opts = (), client_opts = ()): Telnet.__init__(self) self.set_option_negotiation_callback(self._option_callback) self.sock = sock self.server_opts = list(server_opts) # What do WE do? self.server_opts_accepted = list(server_opts) self.client_opts = list(client_opts) # What do THEY do? self.client_opts_accepted = list(client_opts) self.unacked = [] self.last_ack = time.time() self.send_buffer = '' for opt in self.server_opts: logging.debug("sv_ops: sending WILL %d" % ord(opt)) self._send_cmd(WILL + opt) self.unacked.append((WILL, opt)) for opt in self.client_opts: logging.debug("cl_ops: sending DO %d" % ord(opt)) self._send_cmd(DO + opt) self.unacked.append((DO, opt)) def _send_cmd(self, s): self.sock.sendall(IAC + s) def _option_callback(self, sock, cmd, opt): if cmd in (DO, DONT): if opt not in self.server_opts: logging.debug("sv_ops: remote says we should %d, sending WONT" % ord(opt)) self._send_cmd(WONT + opt) return msg_is_reply = False if (WILL, opt) in self.unacked: msg_is_reply = True self.last_ack = time.time() self.unacked.remove((WILL, opt)) if cmd == DONT: logging.debug("remote says we should not %d." % ord(opt)) try: self.server_opts_accepted.remove(opt) except ValueError: pass else: logging.debug("remote says we should %d." % ord(opt)) if not msg_is_reply: # Remind client that we want this option self._send_cmd(WILL + opt) elif cmd in (WILL, WONT): if opt not in self.client_opts: logging.debug("cl_ops: remote wants to %d, sending DONT" % ord(opt)) self._send_cmd(DONT + opt) return msg_is_reply = False if (DO, opt) in self.unacked: msg_is_reply = True self.last_ack = time.time() self.unacked.remove((DO, opt)) if cmd == WONT: logging.debug("remote won't %d" % ord(opt)) try: self.client_opts_accepted.remove(opt) except ValueError: pass else: logging.debug("remote will %d" % ord(opt)) if not msg_is_reply: # Remind client that we want this option self._send_cmd(DO + opt) elif cmd == SB: pass # Don't log this, caller is processing else: logging.debug("cmd %d %s" % (ord(cmd), repr(opt))) def process_available(self): """Process all data, but don't take anything off the cooked queue. Do not block. Use for buffering data during options negotation. """ self.process_rawq() while not self.eof and self.sock_avail(): self.fill_rawq() self.process_rawq() def negotiation_done(self): self.process_available() if self.unacked: desc = map(lambda (x,y): (ord(x), ord(y)), self.unacked) if time.time() > self.last_ack + UNACK_TIMEOUT: logging.debug("neg_done: timeout waiting for commands %s" % desc) self.unacked = [] else: logging.debug("neg_done: still waiting for %s" % desc) return not self.unacked def read_after_negotiate(self): if not self.negotiation_done(): return '' return self.read_very_lazy() def send_buffered(self, s = ''): # logging.debug('TS send_bufd [%s]' % repr(s)) self.send_buffer += s nbytes = self.sock.send(self.send_buffer) self.send_buffer = self.send_buffer[nbytes:] return len(self.send_buffer) > 0 class VMExtHandler: def handle_vmotion_begin(self, ts, data): return False def handle_vmotion_peer(self, ts, data): return False def handle_vmotion_complete(self, ts): pass def handle_vmotion_abort(self, ts): pass def handle_vc_uuid(self, ts): pass def handle_vm_name(self, ts): pass class VMTelnetServer(TelnetServer): def __init__(self, sock, server_opts = (BINARY, SGA, ECHO), client_opts = (BINARY, SGA, VMWARE_EXT), handler = None): TelnetServer.__init__(self, sock, server_opts, client_opts) self.handler = handler or VMExtHandler() self.name = None self.uuid = None self.proxy = None def _send_vmware(self, s): self.sock.sendall(IAC + SB + VMWARE_EXT + s + IAC + SE) def _handle_known_options(self, data): logging.debug("client knows VM commands: %s" % map(ord, data)) def _handle_unknown_option(self, data): logging.debug("client doesn't know VM command %d, dropping" % hexdump(data)) def _handle_do_proxy(self, data): dir = 'client' if data[:1] == "C" else 'server' uri = data[1:] ans = WONT_PROXY if dir == 'server' and uri == BASENAME: ans = WILL_PROXY elif dir == 'client': svclen = 0 if SVCIDENT is not None: svclen = len(SVCIDENT) if svclen > 0 and uri.startswith( SVCIDENT, 0, svclen ): ##### # log serial I/O to file. ## # make sure options in URI string begin/end with ":" svcopts = "" if len(uri) > svclen: svcopts = uri[svclen:] uri = uri[:svclen] if not svcopts.endswith(":"): svcopts += ":" if not svcopts.startswith(":"): svcopts = ":" + svcopts uri += svcopts ## # logfile = / %Y%m%d_%H%M,{remoteIP} hn, pn = self.sock.getpeername() uri += time.strftime("/%Y%m%d_%H%M%S,") + hn logging.debug("uri = %s" % repr(uri)) ans = WILL_PROXY self.proxy = uri else: ou = urlparse(uri) # d = ou._asdict() # for k,v in d.items(): # logging.debug("d uri %s : %s" % (k, repr(v))) logging.debug("v uri h %s p %s f %s" % ( ou.hostname, ou.port, repr(ou.path))) ans = WILL_PROXY self.proxy = uri # endif # endif logging.debug("client wants to proxy %s to %s. we %s." % (dir, repr(uri), EXT_SUPPORTED[ans])) self._send_vmware(ans) def _handle_vmotion_begin(self, data): cookie = data + struct.pack("i", hash(self) & 0x7FFFFFFF) if self.handler.handle_vmotion_begin(self, cookie): logging.debug("vMotion initiated: %s" % hexdump(cookie)) self._send_vmware(VMOTION_GOAHEAD + cookie) if inetd_mode: # # exit now. next ESX host should make fresh connection. # logging.debug("vMotion begin: inetd_mode: exit now to make way for next connection.") # #TO DO: notify connected users (if any) to reconnect. sys.exit(0) else: logging.debug("vMotion denied: %s" % hexdump(cookie)) self._send_vmware(VMOTION_NOTNOW + cookie) def _handle_vmotion_peer(self, cookie): if self.handler.handle_vmotion_peer(self, cookie): logging.debug("vMotion peer: %s" % hexdump(cookie)) self._send_vmware(VMOTION_PEER_OK + cookie) else: # There's no clear spec on rejecting this logging.debug("vMotion peer rejected: %s" % hexdump(cookie)) self._send_vmware(UNKNOWN_SUBOPTION_RCVD_2 + VMOTION_PEER) def _handle_vmotion_complete(self, data): self.handler.handle_vmotion_complete(self) def _handle_vmotion_abort(self, data): self.handler.handle_vmotion_abort(self) def _handle_vc_uuid(self, data): data = data.replace(' ', '') if not self.uuid: self.uuid = data self.handler.handle_vc_uuid(self) elif self.uuid != data: logging.warn("conflicting uuids? " "old: %s, new: %s" % (self.uuid, data)) self.close() def _handle_vm_name(self, data): self.name = data self.handler.handle_vm_name(self) def _send_vmware_initial(self): self._send_vmware(KNOWN_SUBOPTIONS_2 + \ reduce(lambda s,c: s+c, sorted(EXT_SUPPORTED.keys()))) self._send_vmware(GET_VM_VC_UUID) self._send_vmware(GET_VM_NAME) self.unacked.append((VMWARE_EXT, KNOWN_SUBOPTIONS_1)) self.unacked.append((VMWARE_EXT, VM_VC_UUID)) self.unacked.append((VMWARE_EXT, VM_NAME)) def _option_callback(self, sock, cmd, opt): if cmd == WILL and opt == VMWARE_EXT: self._send_vmware_initial() # Fall through so VMWARE_EXT will get removed from unacked elif cmd == WONT and opt == VMWARE_EXT: self.sock.sendall(NOT_VMWARE) self.close() if not cmd == SE or not self.sbdataq[:1] == VMWARE_EXT: TelnetServer._option_callback(self, sock, cmd, opt) return data = self.read_sb_data() subcmd = data[1:2] data = data[2:] handled = False if EXT_SUPPORTED.has_key(subcmd): meth = '_handle_%s' % EXT_SUPPORTED[subcmd] logging.debug('_opt_callback: meth = %s' % meth) if hasattr(self, meth): getattr(self, meth)(data) handled = True if (VMWARE_EXT, subcmd) in self.unacked: self.unacked.remove((VMWARE_EXT, subcmd)) if not handled: logging.debug('VMware command %d (data %s) not handled' \ % (ord(subcmd), hexdump(data))) self._send_vmware(UNKNOWN_SUBOPTION_RCVD_2 + subcmd) def in_open(fd): in_sock = socket.fromfd(fd, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) hn, pn = in_sock.getpeername() logging.debug('in_open fd %d. host %s. port %s.' % (fd, hn, pn)) if inetd_mode_ssl: logging.debug('in_open + ssl') ##### # XXX - hack from ... # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16739293/python-cannot-rebuild-ssl-socket-after-putting-in-multiprocessing-queue in_sock = socket.socket(_sock=in_sock) ##### sslsock = ssl.wrap_socket(in_sock, server_side = True, keyfile = SSLPRIVKEY, certfile = SSLCERTFILE) in_sock = sslsock # return in_sock def in_connect(host, port): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect( (host, port) ) logging.debug('in_connect: host %s. port %s.' % (host, port)) return sock def listenport(port, backlog = LISTEN_BACKLOG, host = ""): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setblocking(0) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1); sock.bind((host, port)) sock.listen(backlog) return sock class Selector: def __init__(self): self.read_handlers = {} self.write_handlers = {} def add_reader(self, stream, func): self.read_handlers[stream] = func logging.debug('add reader %s' % ( func.__name__ )) def del_reader(self, stream): try: # logging.debug('del reader %s' % repr(stream)) del self.read_handlers[stream] except KeyError: pass def add_writer(self, stream, func): self.write_handlers[stream] = func logging.debug('add writer %s' % ( func.__name__ )) def del_writer(self, stream): try: # logging.debug('del writer %s' % repr(stream)) del self.write_handlers[stream] except KeyError: pass def del_all(self, stream): self.del_reader(stream) self.del_writer(stream) def run_once(self, timeout = None): (readers, writers, exceptions) = \ select.select(self.read_handlers.keys(), [], [], timeout) for reader in readers: self.read_handlers[reader](reader) for writer in writers: self.write_handlers[writer](writer) def run_forever(self): while True: self.run_once() class vSPCBackendMemory: ADMIN_THREADS = 4 ADMIN_CONN_TIMEOUT = 0.2 class OVm: def __init__(self, uuid = None, port = None, name = None): self.uuid = uuid self.port = port self.name = name def __init__(self): self.admin_queue = Queue.Queue() self.admin_threads = [] self.observer_queue = Queue.Queue() self.observed_vms_lock = threading.Lock() self.observed_vms = {} self.observed_vms_loaded = False self.hook_queue = Queue.Queue() def setup(self, args): if args != '': print "%s takes no arguments" % str(self.__class__) sys.exit(1) def _start_thread(self, f): th = threading.Thread(target = f) th.daemon = True th.start() return th def start(self): for i in range(0, self.ADMIN_THREADS): self.admin_threads.append(self._start_thread(self.admin_run)) self.observer_thread = self._start_thread(self.observer_run) self.hook_thread = self._start_thread(self.hook_run) def _queue_run(self, queue): while True: try: queue.get()() except Exception, e: logging.exception("Worker exception caught") def admin_run(self): self._queue_run(self.admin_queue) def observer_run(self): self._queue_run(self.observer_queue) def hook_run(self): self._queue_run(self.hook_queue) def load_vms(self): return {} def get_observed_vms(self): if not self.observed_vms_loaded: vms = self.load_vms() with self.observed_vms_lock: if not self.observed_vms_loaded: self.observed_vms = vms self.observed_vms_loaded = True with self.observed_vms_lock: vms = self.observed_vms.copy() return vms.values() def notify_vm(self, uuid, name, port): self.observer_queue.put(lambda: self.vm(uuid, name, port)) def vm(self, uuid, name, port): with self.observed_vms_lock: vm = self.observed_vms.setdefault(uuid, self.OVm()) vm.uuid = uuid vm.name = name vm.port = port data = (vm.uuid, vm.name, vm.port) self.hook_queue.put(lambda: self.vm_hook(*data)) def vm_hook(self, uuid, name, port): logging.debug("vm_hook: uuid: %s, name: %s, port: %s" % (uuid, name, port)) def notify_vm_del(self, uuid): self.observer_queue.put(lambda: self.vm_del(uuid)) def vm_del(self, uuid): with self.observed_vms_lock: if self.observed_vms.has_key(uuid): del self.observed_vms[uuid] self.hook_queue.put(lambda: self.vm_del_hook(uuid)) def vm_del_hook(self, uuid): logging.debug("vm_del_hook: uuid: %s" % uuid) def notify_query_socket(self, sock): self.admin_queue.put(lambda: self.handle_query_socket(sock)) def handle_query_socket(self, sock): sock.settimeout(self.ADMIN_CONN_TIMEOUT) sockfile = sock.makefile() # Trade versions pickle.dump(Q_VERS, sockfile) sockfile.flush() try: client_vers = int(pickle.load(sockfile)) except: try: pickle.dump(Exception("I don't understand"), sockfile) sockfile.flush() except: pass finally: return vers = min(Q_VERS, client_vers) logging.debug("version %d query", vers) try: if vers == 1: vms = self.get_observed_vms() l = [] for vm in vms: l.append({Q_NAME: vm.name, Q_UUID: vm.uuid, Q_PORT: vm.port}) pickle.dump((vers, l), sockfile) else: pickle.dump(Exception('No common version'), sockfile) sockfile.flush() except Exception, e: logging.debug('handle_query_socket exception: %s' % str(e)) class vSPCBackendFile(vSPCBackendMemory): def __init__(self): vSPCBackendMemory.__init__(self) self.shelf = None def usage(self): sys.stderr.write('''\ %s options: [-h|--help] -f|--file filename -h|--help: This message -f|--file: Where to persist VMs (required argument) ''' % str(self.__class__)) def setup(self, args): import shlex import shelve fname = None try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(shlex.split(args), 'hf:', ['--help', '--file=']) for o, a in opts: if o in ['-h', '--help']: self.usage() sys.exit(0) elif o in ['-f', '--file']: fname = a else: assert False, 'unhandled option' except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) self.usage() sys.exit(2) if not fname: self.usage() sys.exit(2) self.shelf = shelve.open(fname) def vm_hook(self, uuid, name, port): self.shelf[uuid] = { P_UUID : uuid, P_NAME : name, P_PORT : port } def vm_del_hook(self, uuid): del self.shelf[uuid] def load_vms(self): vms = {} for v in self.shelf.values(): vms[v[P_UUID]] = \ self.OVm(uuid = v[P_UUID], name = v[P_NAME], port = v[P_PORT]) return vms class vSPC(Selector, VMExtHandler): class Vm: def __init__(self, uuid = None, name = None, vts = None): self.vts = vts if vts else [] self.clients = [] self.uuid = uuid self.name = name self.port = None self.listener = None self.last_time = None self.vmotion = None def fileno(self): return self.listener.fileno() class Client(TelnetServer): def __init__(self, sock, server_opts = (BINARY, SGA, ECHO), client_opts = (BINARY, SGA)): TelnetServer.__init__(self, sock, server_opts, client_opts) self.uuid = None class logRaw: def __init__(self, fildes = None): self.uuid = None self.fildes = fildes def send_buffered(self, s = ''): # logging.debug('vSPC logRaw v_send_bufd [%s]' % (repr(s))) self.fildes.write(s) self.fildes.flush() return False def fileno(self): return self.fildes.fileno() def negotiation_done(self): return True def read_very_lazy(self): return None class logHTML: def __init__(self, fildes = None): self.uuid = None self.fildes = fildes def send_buffered(self, s = ''): now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%a_%H:%M:%S") span_new = '' % ( len(s) ) span_end = '' span_save = cgi.escape(s.replace("\r", "")) # logging.debug('vSPC logHTML v_send_bufd [%s]' % (repr(span_save))) self.fildes.write( span_new + span_save + span_end ) self.fildes.flush() return False def fileno(self): return self.fildes.fileno() def negotiation_done(self): return True def read_very_lazy(self): return None class logCSV: def __init__(self, fildes = None): self.uuid = None self.fildes = fildes def send_buffered(self, s = ''): csvln = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d,%a,%H:%M:%S%z') csvln += ",%d," % len(s) csvln += base64.b64encode(s) + "\n" # logging.debug('vSPC logCSV v_send_bufd [%s]' % (repr(s))) self.fildes.write( csvln ) self.fildes.flush() return False def fileno(self): return self.fildes.fileno() def negotiation_done(self): return True def read_very_lazy(self): return None def __init__(self, proxy_port, admin_port, vm_port_start, vm_expire_time, backend): Selector.__init__(self) self.proxy_port = proxy_port self.admin_port = admin_port self.vm_port_next = vm_port_start self.vm_expire_time = vm_expire_time self.backend = backend self.orphans = [] self.vms = {} self.ports = {} self.vmotions = {} def v_send_buffered(self, ts, s = ''): # logging.debug('vSPC v_send_bufd [%s]' % (repr(s))) if ts.send_buffered(s): self.add_writer(ts, self.v_send_buffered) else: self.del_writer(ts) def inetd_new_vm_conn(self, sock): vt = VMTelnetServer(sock, handler = self) self.add_reader(vt, self.new_vm_data) def new_vm_connection(self, listener): sock = listener.accept()[0] sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) vt = VMTelnetServer(sock, handler = self) self.add_reader(vt, self.new_vm_data) def new_client_connection(self, vm): sock, addr = vm.listener.accept() logging.debug('inetd new client conn %s' % (repr(addr))) sock.setblocking(0) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) client = self.Client(sock) client.uuid = vm.uuid self.add_reader(client, self.new_client_data) vm.clients.append(client) logging.debug('uuid %s new client, %d active clients' % (client.uuid, len(vm.clients))) def abort_vm_connection(self, vt): if vt.uuid: logging.debug('uuid %s VM socket closed' % vt.uuid) self.vms[vt.uuid].vts.remove(vt) self.stamp_orphan(self.vms[vt.uuid]) else: logging.debug('unidentified VM socket closed') self.del_all(vt) def new_vm_data(self, vt): neg_done = False try: neg_done = vt.negotiation_done() except (EOFError, IOError, socket.error): self.abort_vm_connection(vt) if not neg_done: logging.debug('new_vm_data: no neg') return # Queue VM data during vmotion if vt.uuid and self.vms[vt.uuid].vmotion: logging.debug('new_vm_data: vmotion. waiting.') return s = None try: s = vt.read_very_lazy() except (EOFError, IOError, socket.error): self.abort_vm_connection(vt) if not s: # May only be option data, or exception logging.debug('new_vm_data: no s.') return if not vt.uuid or not self.vms.has_key(vt.uuid): # In limbo, no one can hear you scream logging.debug('new_vm_data: limbo.') return # logging.debug('new_vm_data %s: %s' % (vt.uuid, repr(s))) for cl in self.vms[vt.uuid].clients: try: self.v_send_buffered(cl, s) except (EOFError, IOError, socket.error), e: logging.debug('cl.socket send error: %s' % (str(e))) def abort_client_connection(self, client): logging.debug('uuid %s client socket closed, %d active clients' % (client.uuid, len(self.vms[client.uuid].clients)-1)) self.vms[client.uuid].clients.remove(client) self.stamp_orphan(self.vms[client.uuid]) self.del_all(client) def new_client_data(self, client): neg_done = False try: neg_done = client.negotiation_done() except (EOFError, IOError, socket.error): self.abort_client_connection(client) if not neg_done: logging.debug('new_client_data: no neg') return # Queue VM data during vmotion if self.vms[client.uuid].vmotion: logging.debug('new_client_data: vmotion.') return s = None try: s = client.read_very_lazy() except (EOFError, IOError, socket.error): self.abort_client_connection(client) if not s: # May only be option data, or exception logging.debug('new_client_data: no s.') return # logging.debug('new_client_data %s: %s' % (client.uuid, repr(s))) for vt in self.vms[client.uuid].vts: try: self.v_send_buffered(vt, s) except (EOFError, IOError, socket.error), e: logging.debug('cl.socket send error: %s' % (str(e))) def new_vm(self, uuid, name, port = None, vts = None): vm = self.Vm(uuid = uuid, name = name, vts = vts) logging.debug("new_vm: pid %s name %s port %s" % (os.getpid(), repr(name), repr(port))) if SVCIDENT is not None: self.open_vm_uri(vm, name, port) self.vms[uuid] = vm else: self.open_vm_port(vm, port) self.vms[uuid] = vm # Only notify if we generated the port if not port: self.backend.notify_vm(vm.uuid, vm.name, vm.port) logging.debug('%s:%s listening on port %d' % (vm.uuid, repr(vm.name), vm.port)) # # The clock is always ticking self.stamp_orphan(vm) return vm def _add_vm_when_ready(self, vt): if not vt.name or not vt.uuid: return if inetd_mode: logging.debug('+when_ready u %s n %s' % ( repr(vt.uuid), repr(vt.name) )) self.new_vm(vt.uuid, vt.name, vts = [vt], port = vt.proxy) else: self.new_vm(vt.uuid, vt.name, vts = [vt]) def handle_vc_uuid(self, vt): if not self.vms.has_key(vt.uuid): self._add_vm_when_ready(vt) return # This could be a reconnect, or it could be a vmotion # peer. Regardless, it's easy enough just to allow this # new vt to send to all clients, and all clients to # receive. vm = self.vms[vt.uuid] vm.vts.append(vt) logging.debug('uuid %s VM reconnect, %d active' % (vm.uuid, len(vm.vts))) def handle_vm_name(self, vt): if not self.vms.has_key(vt.uuid): self._add_vm_when_ready(vt) return vm = self.vms[vt.uuid] if vt.name != vm.name: vm.name = vt.name self.backend.notify_vm(vm.uuid, vm.name, vm.port) def handle_vmotion_begin(self, vt, data): if not vt.uuid: # No Vm structure created yet return False vm = self.vms[vt.uuid] if vm.vmotion: return False vm.vmotion = data self.vmotions[data] = vt.uuid return True def handle_vmotion_peer(self, vt, data): if not self.vmotions.has_key(data): logging.debug('peer cookie %s doesn\'t exist' % hexdump(data)) return False logging.debug('peer cookie %s maps to uuid %s' % (hexdump(data), self.vmotions[data])) peer_uuid = self.vmotions[data] if vt.uuid: vm = self.vms[vt.uuid] if vm.uuid != peer_uuid: logging.debug('peer uuid %s != other uuid %s' % hexdump(data)) return False return True # vt already in place else: # Act like we just learned the uuid vt.uuid = peer_uuid self.handle_vc_uuid(vt) return True def handle_vmotion_complete(self, vt): logging.debug('uuid %s vmotion complete' % vt.uuid) vm = self.vms[vt.uuid] del self.vmotions[vm.vmotion] vm.vmotion = None def handle_vmotion_abort(self, vt): logging.debug('uuid %s vmotion abort' % vt.uuid) vm = self.vms[vt.uuid] if vm.vmotion: del self.vmotions[vm.vmotion] vm.vmotion = None def check_orphan(self, vm): return len(vm.vts) == 0 and len(vm.clients) == 0 def stamp_orphan(self, vm): if self.check_orphan(vm): self.orphans.append(vm.uuid) vm.last_time = time.time() def new_admin_connection(self, listener): sock = listener.accept()[0] self.collect_orphans() backend.notify_query_socket(sock) def collect_orphans(self): t = time.time() orphans = self.orphans[:] for uuid in orphans: if not self.vms.has_key(uuid): self.orphans.remove(uuid) continue vm = self.vms[uuid] if not self.check_orphan(vm): self.orphans.remove(uuid) # Orphan no longer continue elif vm.last_time + self.vm_expire_time > t: continue logging.debug('expired VM with uuid %s, port %d' % (uuid, vm.port)) self.backend.notify_vm_del(vm.uuid) self.del_all(vm) del vm.listener self.vm_port_next = min(vm.port, self.vm_port_next) del self.ports[vm.port] del self.vms[uuid] if vm.vmotion: del self.vmotions[vm.vmotion] vm.vmotion = None del vm def open_vm_pid(self, vmname, fpath): workd = WORKHOME + "/" + vmname logfn = workd + "/" + fpath if not os.path.exists(workd): os.makedirs(workd, 0755) pid = str(os.getpid()) + "\n" pidfn = logfn + ",pid" logging.debug("o_vm_pid %s" % repr(pidfn)) pidf = open(pidfn, 'w') pidf.write(pid) pidf.close() # kill any existing PIDs. vpidfn = workd + "/,pid" if os.path.isfile(vpidfn): vpidf = open(vpidfn, 'r') for line in vpidf: vpid = int(line) logging.debug("o_vm_pid vpid# %d" % vpid) try: os.kill(vpid, signal.SIGQUIT) except OSError: pass vpidf.close() os.remove(vpidfn) os.link(pidfn, vpidfn) def open_vm_log(self, vmname, fpath): workd = WORKHOME + "/" + vmname logfn = workd + "/" + fpath if not os.path.exists(workd): os.makedirs(workd, 0755) logging.debug("o_vm_log %s" % repr(logfn)) return open(logfn + ",log", 'w') def open_vm_html(self, vmname, fpath): workd = WORKHOME + "/" + vmname logfn = workd + "/" + fpath if not os.path.exists(workd): os.makedirs(workd, 0755) logging.debug("o_vm_html %s" % repr(logfn)) fd = open(logfn + ".html", 'w') fd.write("
	return fd

    def open_vm_csv(self, vmname, fpath):
	workd = WORKHOME + "/" + vmname
	logfn = workd + "/" + fpath
	if not os.path.exists(workd):
		os.makedirs(workd, 0755)
        logging.debug("o_vm_csv %s" % repr(logfn))

	fd = open(logfn + ".csv", 'w')
	return fd

    def open_vm_uri(self, vm, vmname, uri):
        vm.port = uri
        logging.debug("o_vm_uri vmname %s uri %s" % ( repr(vmname), repr(uri)))

	vmconf = load_conf(CONFIG, vmname)
	if "name" not in vmconf:
		# vmname not found. get default entry.
        	logging.debug("o_vm_uri vmname %s not configured." %  repr(vmname) )
		vmconf = load_conf(CONFIG, "")
		if "name" not in vmconf:
        		logging.debug("o_vm_uri vmname %s - no default('') config." %  repr(vmname) )

        logging.debug("o_vm_uri vmname %s conf %s" % ( repr(vmname), repr(vmconf) ))

	svclen = len(SVCIDENT)
	if uri.startswith( SVCIDENT, 0, svclen ):
		# uri includes logfile path.
		pathi = uri.rfind("/")
		svopts = uri[svclen:pathi].split(":")
		logf_path = uri[pathi + 1:]

		# expected svopts (termcap-style):
		#  sp=  - VM serial port name/num.
		#	    :-appended to vmname for config-entry lookup.
		#  lt=	- log types. comma list: Raw,CSV,HTML(ex)

# XXX- sorry, python rookie here. what is a better/cleaner way for this?

		ltopts = None

		for tcap in svopts:
        		logging.debug("o_vm_uri vmname %s tcap %s" % ( repr(vmname), repr(tcap) ))
			if tcap.startswith("sp="):
				vmport = vmname + ":" + tcap
				vmsp_cf = load_conf(CONFIG, vmport)
				logging.debug("o_vm_uri vmport %s vmsp_cf %s" % ( repr(vmport), repr(vmsp_cf) ))
				if "name" in vmsp_cf:
					# a serial-port-specific config.
					vmconf = vmsp_cf
			elif tcap.startswith("lt="):
				ltopts = tcap[3:].split(",")

		vmopts = []
		if "options" in vmconf:
			vmopts = vmconf["options"]
		if ltopts is not None:	
			vmopts = ltopts

		logging.debug("o_vm_uri vmname %s vmopts %s path %s svopts %s" % ( repr(vmname), repr(vmopts), repr(logf_path), repr(svopts)))

# XXX- sorry, python rookie here. what is a better/cleaner way for this?

		if "Raw" in vmopts:
			# raw logging.
			fd = self.open_vm_log(vmname, logf_path)
			logcl = self.logRaw(fd)
			logcl.uuid = vm.uuid

		if "HTML" in vmopts:
			# html output.
			fd = self.open_vm_html(vmname, logf_path)
			logcl = self.logHTML(fd)
			logcl.uuid = vm.uuid

		if "CSV" in vmopts:
			# csv output.
			fd = self.open_vm_csv(vmname, logf_path)
			logcl = self.logCSV(fd)
			logcl.uuid = vm.uuid

		self.open_vm_pid(vmname, logf_path)

		# listen on port for user connection.
		portnum = vmconf["port"]
		if portnum != "-":
			lport = int(portnum)
			lhost = vmconf["listen"]
        		logging.debug("o_vm_uri 1. listen port %s" % lport)

			vm.listener = listenport(lport, backlog = 1, host = lhost)
			self.add_reader(vm, self.new_client_connection)
		ou = urlparse(uri)

		sock = in_connect(ou.hostname, ou.port)
		client = self.Client(sock, (), ())
		client.uuid = vm.uuid
		self.add_reader(client, self.new_client_data)
	# endif

    def open_vm_port(self, vm, port):

        if port:
            vm.port = port
            p = self.vm_port_next
            while self.ports.has_key(p):
                p += 1

            self.vm_port_next = p + 1
            vm.port = p

        assert not self.ports.has_key(vm.port)
        self.ports[vm.port] = vm.uuid

        vm.listener = listenport(vm.port)
        self.add_reader(vm, self.new_client_connection)

    def create_old_vms(self, vms):
        for vm in vms:
            self.new_vm(uuid = vm.uuid, name = vm.name, port = vm.port)

    def run(self):
        logging.info('Starting vSPC on proxy port %d, admin port %d, '
                     'allocating ports starting at %d' % 
                     (self.proxy_port, self.admin_port, self.vm_port_next))


        self.add_reader(listenport(self.proxy_port), self.new_vm_connection)
        self.add_reader(listenport(self.admin_port), self.new_admin_connection)

    def inetd_run(self):
	logging.info('in vSPC')
	self.sock = in_open(sys.stdin.fileno())

def do_query(host, port):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect((host, port))
    sockfile = s.makefile()

    # Trade versions
    pickle.dump(Q_VERS, sockfile)
    server_vers = pickle.load(sockfile)
    # Server chooses what we're doing

    resp = pickle.load(sockfile)
    if type(resp) == type(Exception()):
        sys.stderr.write("Server complained: %s\n", str(resp))

    (vers, data) = resp
    if vers == 1:
        for vm in data:
            print "%s:%s:%d" % (vm[Q_NAME], vm[Q_UUID], vm[Q_PORT])
        sys.stderr.write("Server sent us a version %d response, "
                         "which we don't understand. Bad!" % vers)

def get_backend_type(shortname):
    name = "vSPCBackend" + shortname
    if globals().has_key(name):
        backend_type = globals()[name]
            module = __import__(name)
        except ImportError:
            print "No builtin backend type %s found, no appropriate class " \
                "file found (looking for %s.py)" % (shortname, name)

            backend_type = getattr(module, name)
        except AttributeError:
            print "Backend module %s loaded, but class %s not found" % (name, name)

    return backend_type

def daemonize():
    Daemonize, based on http://code.activestate.com/recipes/278731-creating-a-daemon-the-python-way/

    pid = os.fork()
    if pid:
        os._exit(0) # Parent exits
    os.setsid() # Become session leader
    pid = os.fork() # Re-fork
    if pid:
        os._exit(0) # Child exits

    # We are daemonized grandchild, reset some process state

def usage():
%s (%s)

Common options:
%s: [-h|--help] [-d|--debug] [-a|--admin-port P] -s|--server|hostname

Query (without --server): Connect to the --admin-port (default %s) on
  the specified host and return a list of VMs. Output is colon
  delimited, vm-name:vm-uuid:port.

Server (with --server):
  Additional options:
    [-p|--proxy-port P] [-r|--port-range-start P] [--vm-expire-time seconds]
    [--backend Backend] [--backend-args 'arg string'] [--backend-help]
    [-f|--persist-file file]
    [--stdout] [--no-fork]

  Start Virtual Serial Port Concentrator. By default, vSPC listens on
  port %s for VMware virtual serial connections. Each new VM is
  assigned a listener, starting at port %s. VM to port mappings may be
  queried using %s without the --server option (e.g. '%s localhost').
  A standard 'telnet' may then be used to connect to the VM serial port.

  In order to configure a VM to use the vSPC, you must be running ESXi 4.1+.
  Add the serial port to the VM, then select:
    (*) Use Network
      (*) Server
      Port URI: %s
      [X] Use Virtual Serial Port Concentrator:
      vSPC: telnet://%s:%s
  NOTE: Direction MUST be Server, and Port URI MUST be %s

  %s makes a best effort to keep VM to port number mappings stable,
  based on the UUID of the connecting VM. Even if a VM disconnects,
  client connections are maintained in anticipation of the VM
  reconnecting (e.g. if the VM is rebooting). The UUID<->port mapping
  is maintained as long as there are either client connections or as
  long as the VM is connected, and even after this condition is no
  longer met, the mapping is retained for --vm-expire-time seconds
  (default %s).

  The backend of %s serves three major purposes: (a) On initial load,
  all port mappings are retrieved from the backend. The main thread
  maintains the port mappings after initial load, but the backend is
  responsible for setting the initial map. (This design was chosen to
  avoid blocking on the backend when a new VM connects.) (b) The
  backend serves all admin connections (because it has full knowledge
  of the mappings), (c) The backend can fire off customizable hooks as
  VMs come and go, allowing for persistence, or database tracking, or

  By default, %s uses the "Memory" backend, which really just
  means that no initial mappings are loaded on startup and all state
  is retained in memory alone. The other builtin backend is the "File"
  backend, which can be configured like so:
    --backend File --backend-args '-f /tmp/vSPC'.
  As a convenience, this same configuration can be accomplished using
  the top level parameter -f or --persist-file, i.e. '-f /tmp/vSPC' is
  synonymous with the previous set of arguments.

  If '--backend Foo' is given but no builtin backend Foo exists, %s
  tries to import module vSPCBackendFoo, looking for class vSPCBackendFoo.
  See --backend-help for programming details.

  Explanation of server options:
    -a|--admin-port: The port to listen/use for queries (default %s)
    -p|--proxy-port: The proxy port to listen on (default %s)
    -r|--port-range-start: What port to start port allocations from (default %s)
    --vm-expire-time: How long to wait before expiring a mapping with no connections
    -f|--persist-file: DBM file prefix to persist mappings to (.dat/.dir may follow)
    --backend: Name of custom backend class (see above)
    --backend-args: Arguments to custom backend
    --stdout: Log to stdout instead of syslog
    --no-fork: Don't daemonize
    -d|--debug: Debug mode (turns up logging and implies --stdout --no-fork)
  Explanation of inetd options:
    -i|--inetd-conf:  the inetd-mode configuration file.
    -I|--inetd-vmID:  VM name to search in the inetd-mode config.
		parse the inetd-mode config and display a Var value.
		current Vars: 'name', 'port', 'listen', 'options'.

       socket.gethostname(), PROXY_PORT,

def load_conf(file, vmid = None):
	sample config:

	#| #
	#| # global settings:
	#| #
	#| #
	#| # SVCIDENT:  the ID string for "Port URI:" in VM settings.
	#| #
	#| #  we expect "Port URI:" strings to include termcap-style fields ...
	#| #
	#| #	sp=  - indicate the VM serial-port name/number.
	#| #
	#| #	lt=  - set the logfile type list. [ Raw,CSV ]
	#| #		can override the config file entry.
	#| # 
	#| #  for example:
	#| #	if VM "Websrv-nut" has a Port URI:  "@vulture:sp=3:lt=CSV" then
	#| #
	#| #		- check this config file for "Websrv-nut:sp=3" first
	#| #		  then check this config file for just "Websrv-nut"
	#| #
	#| #		- write any output to a CSV-style logfile, only.
	#| #
	#| #
	#| $SVCIDENT=@vulture
	#| # WORKHOME:  base spool directory for serial-port log files.
	#| $WORKHOME=/var/spool/vulture
	#| # LISTEN_HOST:  default IP/host for "listen" (see below).
	#| # SSL cert info file(s):
	#| $SSLCERTFILE=/etc/ssl/mycert.pem
	#| $SSLPRIVKEY=/etc/ssl/myprivkey.pem
	#| # $SSLCERTFILE=/etc/ssl/mycombined.pem
	#| # $SSLPRIVKEY=/etc/ssl/mycombined.pem
	#| #================
	#| #
	#| # settings per VM:	vmName, listen, log-type-list
	#| #
	#| #  vmName:  VM name as sent by VMware.
	#| #	must match the repr()-encoded version of the VM name.
	#| #
	#| #  listen:  where to connect in order to access the serial port.
	#| #	tcp-port-num [ '@' IP-addr/hostname ]
	#| #
	#| #  log-type-list: serial port data recording types.
	#| # 	Raw  = serial data written as-is.
	#| # 	CSV  = data b64encoded, written in CSV format, with timestamps
	#| #
	#| #vmName		listen			log-type-list
	#| #------		------			-------------
	#| 'DBsrv-alpha'	 5004			Raw,CSV
	#| 'Syslog-stor'	 5032			Raw,CSV
	#| 'Websrv-nut'		 5140			Raw,CSV
	#| 'Websrv-nut:sp=2'	 5141			CSV
	#| 'Websrv-nut:sp=3'	 5142			CSV
	#| 'xfile-srv'		 5992@		Raw
	#| # default (''): do not listen, only save raw output.
	#| ''			 -			Raw
	#| #####


	cf = open(file)
	lines = cf.read().splitlines()

	x = []

	hunt = ""
	huntlen = 0

	if vmid is not None:
		# VMware discourages - but does not restrict - use of
		# special chars in VM names. so use repr() here to
		# try to help simplify matching against VM names.
		hunt = repr(vmid)
		huntlen = len(hunt)

	for s in lines:
		# strip out comments.
		line = s.partition('#')[0].strip()

		if len(line) == 0:
			# skip empty lines.

		if line[:1] == "$":
			# set a general var.
			x += line[1:].split("=")
			#print x

		found = None
		cl = []

		if line[:huntlen] == hunt:
			found = hunt
			cl = line[huntlen:].split()

		#print cl

		if len(cl) < 2:
			#print len(cl)

		if found is not None:
			#print "found %s" % repr(found)
			lhost = LISTEN_HOST
			port = cl[0]
			if "@" in port:
				port, lhost = port.split("@")
			x += [ "name",	found ]
			x += [ "port",	port ]
			x += [ "listen", lhost ]
			x += [ "options", ''.join(cl[1:]).split(",") ]

	work = dict([(k, v) for k,v in zip (x[::2], x[1::2])])
	# print work
	return work

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import getopt

    proxy_port = PROXY_PORT
    admin_port = ADMIN_PORT
    vm_port_start = VM_PORT_START
    vm_expire_time = VM_EXPIRE_TIME
    debug = False
    syslog = True
    fork = True
    server_mode = False
    backend_type_name = 'Memory'
    backend_args = ''
    inetd_conf = None
    vm_conf = None

        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:f:hi:I:dp:r:sSV:',
                                       ['help', 'debug', 'admin-port=',
                                        'inetd-conf=', 'inetd-vmID=', 'inetd-vmVar=', 'inetd-SSL',
                                        'proxy-port=', 'port-range-start=',
                                        'server', 'stdout', 'no-fork',
                                        'backend=', 'backend-args=',
        for o,a in opts:
            if o in ['-h', '--help']:
            elif o in ['-d', '--debug']:
                debug = True
                syslog = False
                fork = False
            elif o in ['-a', '--admin-port']:
                admin_port = int(a)
            elif o in ['-i', '--inetd-conf']:
		inetd_mode = True
                CONFIG = a
		inetd_conf = load_conf(CONFIG)
		SVCIDENT = inetd_conf["SVCIDENT"]
		WORKHOME = inetd_conf["WORKHOME"]
            elif o in ['-I', '--inetd-vmID']:
		inetd_mode = True
		if SVCIDENT is not None:
		    vm_conf = load_conf(CONFIG, a)
            elif o in ['-V', '--inetd-vmVar']:
		inetd_mode = True
		if vm_conf is not None:
		    print vm_conf[a]
            elif o in ['-S', '--inetd-SSL']:
		if SVCIDENT is not None:
			SSLPRIVKEY = inetd_conf["SSLPRIVKEY"]
			inetd_mode_ssl = True
            elif o in ['-p', '--proxy-port']:
                proxy_port = int(a)
            elif o in ['-r', '--port-range-start']:
                vm_port_start = int(a)
            elif o in ['-s', '--server']:
                server_mode = True
            elif o in ['--vm-expire-time']:
                vm_expire_time = int(a)
            elif o in ['--stdout']:
                syslog = False
            elif o in ['--no-fork']:
                fork = False
            elif o in ['--backend']:
                backend_type_name = a
            elif o in ['--backend-args']:
                backend_args = a
            elif o in ['--backend-help']:
            elif o in ['-f', '--persist-file']:
                import pipes
                backend_type_name = 'File'
                backend_args = '-f %s' % pipes.quote(a)
                assert False, 'unhandled option'
    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
        print str(err)

    if inetd_mode:        
	debug = True
	fork = False
	server_mode = True

    if not server_mode:        
        if len(args) != 1:
            print "Expected 1 argument, found %d" % len(args)

        sys.exit(do_query(args[0], admin_port))

    # Server mode

    if len(args) > 0:
        print "Unexpected arguments: %s" % args

    backend = get_backend_type(backend_type_name)()

    logger = logging.getLogger('')
    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO)
    if syslog:
        from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler

    if fork:

        if inetd_mode:
            vSPC(proxy_port, admin_port, vm_port_start, vm_expire_time, backend).inetd_run()
            vSPC(proxy_port, admin_port, vm_port_start, vm_expire_time, backend).run()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logging.info("Shutdown requested on keyboard, exiting")
    except Exception, e:
        logging.exception("Top level exception caught")