# # cterm Turbo C makefile # ($Header: makefile,v 1.5 89/03/15 16:48:42 pkern Exp $) # #CC= tcc -ml -G CC= tcc -G # SYS: main system # TI = TI Professional # PC = IBM PC SYS= TI #LIB= /tc2/lib/graphics.lib LIB= # VID: video adaptor type, valid only when SYS=PC # MDA = mono # HGC = Hercules # CGA = Color Graphics # EGA = Enhanced Graphics # ATI = ATI EGA Wonder # (BGI = Borland graphics (included explicitly)) VID= MDA # CFLAGS= -Ddbg -DFINIT="cterm.ini" CFLAGS= -M -D$(SYS) -DMACHINE_H="$(SYS).h" EXE= cterm # Source files: # main.c - main() & misc. system-related routines # cterm.c - term() (the main I/O loop), devset() (the I/O chooser) # esc.c - vt100 and vt52 ESC code interpreter. # gfx.c - home-brew graphics ESC code interpreter. # gfx_m.c - some graphics routines borrowed from BellCore's MGR. # misc.c - misc vt100/vt52 key-code strings and routines. # printer.c - dummy printer-port routines # zout.c - output to console via DOS (not BIOS nor direct video) # keybrd.$(SYS) - keyboard map and keyboard bios routines # ports.$(SYS) - serial port I/O routines # screen.$(SYS) - screen handling (text and graphics) # scr_gfx.h - screen graphics code (for IBM PCs with TC 1.0) # setup.c - vt100-style interactive setup control # defs.c - load/save setups from/to init file # text.c - capture/send raw text # kermit.c - antique C-kermit (from usenet (mod.sources?)) # xmodem.c - antique C-xmodem (from usenet (net.sources?)) OBJ= main.obj cterm.obj misc.obj esc.obj gfx.obj gfx_m.obj \ keybrd.obj ports.obj screen.obj printer.obj \ setup.obj defs.obj text.obj zout.obj \ kermit.obj xmodem.obj cterm: $(OBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -e$(EXE) *.obj $(LIB) # # new: saves time by loading tcc just once # new: turboc.cfg screen.$(SYS) touch *.* $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c *.c *.$(SYS) all: new cterm screen.obj: screen.$(SYS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c screen.$(SYS) screen.PC: scr_gfx.h scr_gfx.h: scr_gfx.$(VID) copy scr_gfx.$(VID) scr_gfx.h -del screen.obj .$(SYS).obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< .c.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< clean: turboc.cfg -del *.obj -del *.map