head 1.2; access ; symbols ; locks ; comment @ * @; 1.2 date; author pkern; state Exp; branches ; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author pkern; state Exp; branches ; next ; desc @@ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @/* * cterm.h: main definitions for cterm * * Copyright (c) 1989 University of Toronto. All rights reserved. * Anyone may use or copy this software, except that it may not be * sold for profit, that this copyright notice remain intact, and that * credit is given where it is due. The University of Toronto and the * author make no warranty and accept no liability for this software. * * $Header: cterm.h,v 1.1 89/02/03 16:00:42 pkern Exp $ */ /* ascii control char names */ #define NUL 000 /* ^@@ */ #define SOH 001 /* ^A */ #define STX 002 /* ^B */ #define ETX 003 /* ^C */ #define EOT 004 /* ^D */ #define ENQ 005 /* ^E */ #define ACK 006 /* ^F */ #define BEL 007 /* ^G */ #define BS 010 /* ^H */ #define HT 011 /* ^I */ #define LF 012 /* ^J */ #define VT 013 /* ^K */ #define FF 014 /* ^L */ #define CR 015 /* ^M */ #define SO 016 /* ^N */ #define SI 017 /* ^O */ #define DLE 020 /* ^P */ #define DC1 021 /* ^Q */ #define DC2 022 /* ^R */ #define DC3 023 /* ^S */ #define DC4 024 /* ^T */ #define NAK 025 /* ^U */ #define SYN 026 /* ^V */ #define ETB 027 /* ^W */ #define CAN 030 /* ^X */ #define EM 031 /* ^Y */ #define SUB 032 /* ^Z */ #define ESC 033 /* ^[ */ #define FS 034 /* ^\ */ #define GS 035 /* ^] */ #define RS 036 /* ^^ */ #define US 037 /* ^_ */ #define SP 040 /* ' ' */ #define DEL 0177 /* ^? */ #define XON DC1 /* ^Q */ #define XOFF DC3 /* ^S */ #ifndef FINIT #define FINIT "/cterm.ini" /* setups init file */ #endif #ifndef NARGS #define NARGS 32 /* max args allowed */ #endif /* attribute bits */ #define AT_MASK 0x0f #define AT_REV 0x01 #define AT_UL 0x02 #define AT_BLINK 0x04 #define AT_BOLD 0x08 #define UP 0 #define DOWN 1 #define RIGHT 2 #define LEFT 3 #define VT52 0 #define ANSI 1 #define OFS52 0 #define ANSOFS 0x40 #define KEYNORM 0 #define KEYAPPL 0x20 #define BUFMAX 512 #define SAV_CNT 0x2000 /* approx. 15 mins */ typedef unsigned char uchar; extern int (*xmit)(), (*recv)(); extern int (*o_xmit)(), (*o_recv)(); extern int (*burp)(), (*esc)(); extern char *COPYRIGHT; #ifdef dbg #define debug 1 #endif /* speeds (see on a unix system) */ /* (corresponds to table position in ports.SYS) */ #define B0 0 #define B50 1 #define B75 2 #define B110 3 #define B134 4 #define B150 5 #define B200 6 #define B300 7 #define B600 8 #define B1200 9 #define B1800 10 #define B2000 11 #define B2400 12 #define B3600 13 #define B4800 14 #define B7200 15 #define B9600 16 #define EXTA 17 /* 19200 */ #define EXTB 18 /* 38400 (unsupported) */ @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d4 7 a10 2 * copyright (c) University of Toronto, 1988. * ($Header$) d80 1 d87 1 d94 1 a94 1 /* (corresponds to table position in ports.c) */ @